join us

Sunday school-9:45 a.m.

Assembly-10:30 a.m.
Worship-11:00 a.m.

Prayer Group- 10:00 a.m.

Bible Study- 10:30 a.m.
LOGOS- 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Chancel Choir- 7:30 p.m.

bt join us


Stewardship is about making choices, as individuals and in community. It is more than giving money to the church. Stewardship is about being faithful disciples, caring for and managing all that God has given us. Stewardship is not just one part of Christian discipleship; it involves every aspect of life in all the stages of life. Stewardship is the grateful response to God's grace and goodness. It requires a consideration of how our choices affect us and others, of how we can be good caretakers of the created world, and of how we can best serve God as disciples of Christ.




Request Offering Envelopes: RPC provides convenient offering envelopes to members and regular attendees. Using these envelopes helps promote consistent giving, and it helps the church stewardship chairman more easily keep accurate records of your giving for tax purposes.
If you are not currently receiving offering envelopes in the mail but would like to, please click here.


Request Committment Cards: While we appreciate your generosity on Sunday mornings, the Congregation has no way of predicting collection plate income. Every year the church’s finance committee prepares a ministry budget for the coming year. Commitment cards provide important information that allows our leaders and the finance committee to project income with reasonable certainty and set budget priorities accordingly. It lets us know if we can expand expenses for ministry, make necessary repairs and maintenance, accept missions opportunities or if we must tighten our belts. RPC will provide commitment cards for anyone in your family. Please realize that commitment cards are not a contract. It is your estimation of giving and it can be changed at anytime by contacting the stewardship chairman. Also, as with your contributions, commitments are kept confidential. If you need commitment cards, please click here.